Thursday, August 28, 2008

Baby Kicks

I'm feeling my baby!! On Tuesday, I was sitting at my desk at work and started getting this funny feeling in my belly. It was about an inch above and to the side of my belly button, so I figured it couldn't be the baby, since the baby isn't that high yet. But it went on for about 20 minutes, not really consistent, but one or two twitches every 15-20 seconds. I started thinking that maybe it was the baby, and I was just feeling it so high because I was sitting down and my insides are scrunched together. I didn't want to move, just in case it was the baby, because I wanted to keep feeling it.

I got up, because it was lunch time, and sure enough, I couldn't feel it anymore. But then when I was sitting in my car on the way home for lunch, I felt it again!! I urgently called my sisters, asking their opinions on if it could be the baby or not.

I now really think that it was. I've had the same sensations, but in different parts of my belly since then. Yesterday, I felt it on the same side, but further down. I only felt it a little in the morning. But today I'm feeling it to the opposite side of my belly button and further down. It's not really a lot at once - like the 20 minutes that first day - but a little kick or nudge every now and again. It's only when I'm sitting down, so I guess that's the best position for me to feel it right now.

I can't wait until I start feeling him/her more consistently!


Cinderella, the A-Train and Our Little Caboose said...

I have been feeling mine too, its the coolest thing ever!

Cassie said...

Awww, that's the best feeling in the world, isn't it? That's about the only thing I miss about being pregnant. It's such a cool feeling.

Ryley @ That's My Family! said...

LOVE IT! I wish I had written down somewhere when I first started feeling him.. wait.. maybe i did talk about it on my blog. I cant remember now! But I seriously love it too! And just wait till you start talking about it with your husband, mine laughs all the time because I constantly change whether he's moving because he likes something or moving because he doesnt. Mine HATES anything squishing him. If I sit really close to my desk he kicks at it, if my pants are too tight, he kicks at those.. but he also flips and kicks a lot after I eat certain foods. So sometimes he kicks out of anger, and sometime he kicks because he likes something.
Wait till you get to about 24 weeks. My ultrasound tech said 24-28 is the most active and boy was she right! He moves ALLL day!! But I love it! It's so reasuring.. hard to sleep through.. but I'd trade sleep for peace of mind anytime. I'm glad you can feel it now.. oh and also, I had a few freak out moments when I realized I hadnt felt him move (about 19 weeks) in 3 days. I called the doctor and thier suggestion was drinking an ICE cold big glass of orange juice and wait an hour. Sure enough.. it worked. So if you have little freak out moments.. grab the oj and lots of ice! :)

Those People With The Crazy Kids said...

Isn't that the greatest feeling ever? Just wait till the baby gets a little bigger and does a summersault and your whole stomach wobbles! Sometimes that's not so comfy, but it's still really cool!