Growing up, I always wanted to be a mother. That was always the first thing I would say when someone would ask me what I wanted to be when I grew up. I always knew that is what I wanted, but I never really knew how much love a mother has for a child. And I'm still amazed today that my heart can really hold that much love.
This mother's day was perfect. Abbi is at such a fun age, that I couldn't be happier just watching her run around and do her thing. I sure do love this girl!
We spent plenty of time outside. After church, she's definitely due for some running around. The first thing she wanted to do when we got home was to dart outside!

I just love watching this girl run outside - even when she is barefoot and playing in the dirt in her dress. But the happiness she shows makes me forget all of that and wish that I was young again so that I could get so excited about such small things.

Back inside, I was off doing something, and heard her playing in her room. I walked back there to see this and I got a big laugh from it -

Josh's golf clubs were in her room, and I guess she decided that they were her new mode of transportation! You can't tell, but she was actually crying - I think because she couldn't get them to go.

Then Nanas and Gump Gump came over that evening for dinner. They brought a big bucketful of bubble toys, and if you know Abbi - those bubble toys weren't staying in that bucket for long! This is pure joy. Watching her chase after the bubbles and get so excited - I could do that all day long. (And sometimes I do!) Beware - I'm sure there are going to be lots and lots of bubble posts over the summer - I'm sure that bubbles are Abbi's absolute favorite thing EVER.

I can't imagine there being anything in this world that is better than being a mother. And I admire my own mother so much more now that I have my own child. Abbi has brought so much love and joy to our family and I'm sure it will continue to grow and grow as she gets older and as we add others to our family. I feel so honored and privileged that I have to opportunity to be a mother!
that girl just cracks me up!!
What a doll! I don't think they come any cuter than your little girl :)
cute cute pictures!
What wonderful photos! She's so cute playing with the bubbles. Happy Mother's Day, Deborah! :)
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