Friday, October 31, 2014

Halloween 2014

It was a great Halloween this year!!

 Abbi, Easton and Camden all chose their costumes this year, and were all really excited. I ordered Abbi's online, and actually hid it in the garage for a couple of weeks because I knew she wouldn't be able to stay away from it. :)

The day started off with Abbi getting to wear her costume to school. She had a parade that I was luckily able to go to. Our car broke down, so luckily my mom came to the rescue and came up and watched the boys while I borrowed her car to run over. I'm really glad I was able to, because I could tell that Abbi was really happy to see me there.

 That night, they got dressed up and went out trick or treating. Luckily, it was a really nice night, and our neighborhood has about a million kids so it was crazy busy outside. Camden was super into it to start with - the first to say trick or treat and thank you. But he got tired after too long and just wanted to be carried. Then Easton was next, wanting to go home. We eventually went back, and even though Abbi still wanted to go trick or treating, I talked her into staying at home by letting her be in charge of handing out candy to the trick or treaters. I think the kids had just as much handing out candy as they did trick or treating!

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