Sunday, December 5, 2010

Picture Time

Ok, first of all, I just have to brag a little bit.  I have been becoming quite the bargain shopper.  And I have discovered that you really don't have to spend a lot to make your daughter looks super cute!!  This dress - bought at a garage sale.  But even more recently, my sister told me that you can find cute things at DI (a local thrift/charity store) so I went, and ended up spending $30 on 17 items of clothing - for Abbi and the new baby boy.  And most of it was brand name!  I could get used to this!!

I had to show this picture not only because Abbi is so stinking cute, but because I was laughing at her.  I asked her to stand there so I could take her picture, and this is what I get.  What a goof ball!


Michelle said...

oh my gosh Deborah....those pictures are sooo cute! she is so beautiful! and $30 bucks for 17 things?! I should do some shopping while I'm in town! ha!

Cassie said...

She is so cute, and so is that dress! I LOVE bargain shopping for kids' clothes. They outgrow them so quickly, why spend so much money on them?