Friday, July 16, 2010

{Abbi-a-Day} Days 190-196

Josh had out the push mower the other day, and Abbi wanted to help push!

One of her newest favorite things to do. I guess she doesn't want mommy and daddy to watch tv...

I came home from work to this. I love to see my baby and my hubby together!!

I have a bowl full of decorative balls that usually goes on the dining room table, but it is now one of Abbi's toys. Why is it that kids have the most fun with things that aren't actually toys?

Eating a cookie after a hard trip at the grocery store.

The cheesy face! She is too funny. If you ask her to show her cheesy face, this is what you get!


Cassie said...

Love the picture of her helping Josh mow. That's so sweet!

Michelle said...

i love her