Christmas this year was spent with the Mitchell family at a cabin in Island Park,

Idaho. None of us had ever been there before, so we didn't really know what to expect, but it was beautiful.
Josh and I left on Saturday just before noon. We were expecting the drive to be about 5 hours there. I thought everyone would be leaving around the same time, but we found out later that no one else left until about 3pm. The trip was pretty uneventful, except a stop in Pocatello at Wal-Mart for some forgotten items. Let's just say, I wouldn't be sad if I never went to Pocatello again!! The roads were fine the whole way up until about 30 miles before the cabin. The roads were covered with ice so it was a little scary. If I would have had to drive, I would have been a nervous wreck!! Once we got to the cabin, we were able to get a few things arranged before everyone arrived. The front porch was completely covered with snow (up to my thighs at the bottom of the steps.) Josh shoveled snow, we fixed the fireplace that wasn't working,

had to call on the hot water because it wasn't working, and shoveled a path through 4 ft. deep snow on the back deck. Charlie's family, Tami's family, and my mom and dad arrived a little later. We had a late dinner, and all settled in for the night. Camryn was sick, and many others were just getting over being sick. It seems like people always get sick around the holidays.
I woke up on Christmas Eve feeling sick. I threw up several times that morning, and had the worst headache that I have had for some time. We were getting ready to go to church, but my head wa

s not having it. I made Josh stay home with me because I didn't want to be there without him. Camryn was still sick as well, so Amy stayed home with her while she slept. I laid down while Josh shoveled more snow, and then we played cards for a little while. That day was mostly lazy. The kids got their snow clothes on on went out to play, and then Charlie took them sledding. The boys went to go get the snowmobiles early that evening. Josh took me out on a short ride - it was so cold outside!! Janell and Kevin got there that evening, and we had Christmas dinner since we would be out snowmobiling on Christmas. The food was great - turkey, ham, potatoes, cranberry salad, stuffing, rolls....I can't even remember everything!! After eating, my mom opened her birthday presents and we sang happy birthday, had pie and a cake brought by Janell.
On Chri

stmas morning, we opened presents. The kids raked it in, as always!! Josh got me a tripod, even though we weren't supposed to be getting presents for each other this year. He had already surprised me with a new chair for our office (which I love!!!) I felt bad because all I got him was a few wrenches and a dirt

bike dvd. He always spoils me!! After opening presents, we got our snow clothes on and spent the whole day snowmobiling. I rode with Josh almost the whole day. I wish we could have afforded to get our own, but we still had fun. It was so beautiful. We went down the road to a place where the river had huge trout. It was pretty cool. You could buy food and feed them and they would all come around to get the food. We also went on a trail that went up a mounta

in. It was so beautiful. There was so much snow - the trees were covered and sagging. We wanted to go down to these waterfalls, but we ran out of time. I wish we would have been able to ride for 2 days! I rode

with Josh when we went to return the snowmobiles. That was the only bad part of the day. We took a wrong road and were going where the snow was really deep. Garren was behind us, and we went to turn at a dead end, didn't make the turn and got stuck. Kevin came down to help as well, and I walked down the road to get out of the way. I took some really good pictures while I was waiting, so it wasn't so bad for me!! We were so tired when we got home. We took showers, played some cards, and then went to bed.

Josh and I woke up the next morning missing Max, so we hurried to get ready and to get on the road. I think we were packed up and left a little after 9. We stopped to get Max at the Harroun's on the way home, but he wasn't there. Josh called his mom, and she was at our house with the dog. We didn't know why she was at our house, but when we pulled in, we saw that both Jo

sh's mom and dad were there. We walked in to a wonderful Christmas present - a new dining room table. I was speechless. We needed a table so badly!! We have been eating in front of the tv on the couch ever since we moved into our house. It is almost impossible for both of us to eat at the same time because we have to fight off Max, so the table was an amazing gift. I love it. I probably would have picked the exact same table. There were also more gifts under the tree that we opened that afternoon - a shop vac, some drill bits and some body spray for Josh and a rice cooker and some kitchen towels for me. We also got an outdoor butane heater. What a great Christmas!!!