This year for Thanksgiving, we spent some time with both of our families. The day went by way too quickly!! I had a busy morning, making 3 of my 4 pies. We were supposed to be to the Harroun's at 12:30 to help to get everything ready, but I was not ready in time. We made it over just before 1:00, just in time for a wonderful lunch. Josh's mom made a turkey and a ham, mashed potatoes, yams, stuffing, a salad, and homemade rolls. I brought over a salad as well. The food was great. After stuffing ourselves, we laid on the couch and watched "Click." I was too full for pie, but Josh had a piece of the razzleberry and coconut cream that I had made. The razzleberry pie was my first double crust pie - and you could definitely tell! It was the ugliest pie I have ever made. When it came out of the oven, the edges were all burnt and falling off. Once it cooled off, I broke the edges off, which made it look a little better, but it still was not a pretty pie. I did not try it, but Josh said that it was good. My coconut cream looked a little better from the outside, but once it was cut into, it was really runny and went everywhere! I didn't try this one either, but Josh said it tasted good even though it was all over the place. I did have a piece of Marilyn's pumpkin pie later, and it was great!

After the movie, we left to head down to Tami's house for the Mitchell festivities. Josh was not feeling well, so we stopped at the store to get some medicine. I was surprised how many people were there on Thanksgiving! We headed down, but by the time we got there, we were both really tired. I guess the tryptophan from the turkey was kicking in! We laid down in the basement to get a quick nap until everyone was ready to eat pie. There were lots of treats to choose from (there always is at t

It was a great holiday. Both Josh and I enjoyed having a 4 day weekend - we have never had the same days off of work like that before! Now, I am looking forward to Christmas!