So to prepare for our trip, I started thinking that I don't have a comfortable pair of shoes to wear around, and seeing that we'll be walking as much as Josh's knee will take, comfortable shoes are a must. Well, I wear shoes to work everyday that are not so comfy for walking around all day. I sit at a desk most of the day, so I wear heels almost every day. And as much as I'd love to look as stylish as those girls from Sex and the City (but more modest, of course!) with some stylish clothes, going around NYC in some killer stilletos. But let's be realistic here - I would last maybe an hour in heels walking around the city. And maybe I'm being silly, but I look horrible when I wear tennis shoes with jeans. I just feel like I look very frumpy, and my feet look like Ronald McDonald feet. Some people can pull it off - I'm not one of those.

So I started thinking about getting a new pair of shoes. My first thoughts went to Crocs. I'm sorry if I offend anyone, but I think the original Crocs are kind of ugly. And I'm sure no one wears them because they are fashionable - it's because they are comfortable. But when I got on their website, I discovered that there are now many different styles. I found these - the Croc Celeste - and thought they were actually quite cute.

But I started my search a little too late, and I didn't want to pay an arm and a leg for shipping to get them here in time. So earlier this week, I stopped at Macy's on my way home to see if they carried them. No luck. They hardly had any at all (any style) and none in my size, even the ugly ones. I didn't even know where else they sold Crocs, so I looked through the other shoes that they had, and found these Skechers:

I they actually look quite similar, but they are super comfy and they were on sale for cheaper than the Crocs! So now I'm set - maybe I won't be a fashionista, but at least I'll be comfortable!!