I know I haven't written a post for 3 weeks now, and one is due, but for now, I want to just wish my wonderful husband a Happy Anniversary!!

3 years ago today, Josh and I were married. In some ways, I can't believe it's already been 3 years, but in other ways, I feel like we have known each other forever. I couldn't ask for a better husband. When I was growing up and and thinking about what love and marriage would be like, I never imagined that it would be this good. Of course we've had hard times and good times, but I couldn't imagine going through any of it without Josh at my side. And I am so grateful that this Saturday, we will be sealed for time and all eternity in the Mount Timpanogos temple.

I know Josh never reads this, but I just want to publicly tell him how very much I love him. He is my best friend, my support, and I can't imagine a better person to spend all of eternity with!