Sunday, September 30, 2012

Instagram Randomness - September

September 1 - watching the rain come down

September 2 - helping grandpa pick tomatoes

September 3 - poor girl must have been playing too hard - she tuckered herself out!!

September 3 - sometimes you have to give in and let them wear what they want!!

 September 5 - Easton discovered that he loves whole apples, too!

September 8 - Cousins and an iPad!!

September 8 - Abbi gets her very own cupcake from Sweet Tooth Fairy!

 September 12 - By request, a backyard dinner picnic -complete with pancakes!!

 September 17 - a gorgeous day - not a cloud in the sky!!

September 20 - this salad.  Seriously, so good.  find it here.

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