Saturday, November 15, 2014

Camden is 2!!

I can't believe Camden is already 2 years old!!  I still remember being pregnant with him like it was yesterday.  But he is such a little character, and such a blessing to our family - I can't imagine life without him!!

We kept things pretty low key since we are still car-less.  He wanted doughnuts for breakfast, so Josh and I picked up some grocery store doughnuts when we were on a date the night before.  He was very happy to get doughnuts for breakfast!!

Grandma and Grandpa Mitchell stopped by that morning with gifts - a minion backpack and helicopter and train.  He played with those all day long!  (As did Easton - at least for once Easton was wanting to play with Camden!)

Nanas and Gumpgump came over later in the afternoon, bringing chocolate chip cookies and another present!  They gave him some tonka trucks, that again - Easton was pretty excited about as well!  They loved playing with those trucks together!!

The plan was for me to make Camden a cake.  He kept saying he wanted a blue cake, so I found a white cake recipe online and colored it blue.  And it was a disaster.  The cake looked like a volcano - the centers of all the layers caved in, and there wasn't nearly enough icing.  It was so bad, in fact, that I ended up running to Wal-Mart to get a cake.  The person wasn't there to write on the cake, and all they had was some cookie frosting, so I decided to just go with it - hence the terrible writing on the cake.  But Easton was happy, and that's all that matters in the end, right!!

We had cake and presents after dinner.  We gave Easton a basketball hoop game that goes over the back of a door.  Plus some clothes, which he wasn't very excited about.

It was fun to be able to celebrate our little 2 year old!

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