I was really excited about this picture idea when we first started. Now I'm not loving it so much. First of all, I hate being in pictures to start out with. But being in pictures while you are pregnant? Really not so much fun!!
Kacy is determined to have her baby tomorrow, so hopefully I'll have a new nephew soon!! And I can't believe Janell only has 7 weeks to go. I feel like it's not fair, because I found out I was pregnant right before she told me she was pregnant, but I still have 4 months and she only has 7 weeks!! But then again, I'm not ready for my little girl to come yet, so 4 months is not such a bad thing.
In other news - I turned 31 this past weekend. Wow - 31. It was pretty uneventful - Josh took me to dinner and on a field trip to Babies R Us to test drive everything the night before my birthday. That's all I asked for, and I'm glad we finally got around to doing it, because now I think I have everything picked out that I want/need for our little girl. And wow - having a baby is sure going to be expensive!! I am picking out mostly gender neutral things, though, so most of these things will be a one time expense. My actual birthday was on Sunday, so it didn't really feel like a birthday. We started temple prep classes that morning, had church that afternoon, and our monthly family get-together that night. I did get "happy birthday" sang to me and we had tons of delicious food and eclairs for dessert! Josh's family is doing dinner for me tomorrow night, so I guess my birthday is being spread out over quite a few days!!
I did get my new camera lens on Friday, so I'm excited to start playing around with it. I really want to learn more about photoshop, and I'm hoping to take an online class after the baby comes.
Not much else happening around here!!