Nothing really exciting to report about the 34 week appointment. Everything looks good - she was awake and kicking when they did her heartbeat, so it was really strong this week, and I'm measuring at 36 weeks. The nurse said that measuring within 2 weeks either way is considered normal, but I'm still determined to have her 2 weeks early. They said my protein was a little bit low, but nothing to worry about, just something they want to watch over the next few weeks.
At this point, I'm mainly struggling with the normal aches and pains of being 8 months pregnant. But, lucky me, I do have pregnancy induced carpal tunnel syndrome in my right wrist. It has been bothering me for weeks now - my hand keeps going numb, and it's quite painful. I thought it was my back being out of whack, but a trip to the chiropractor didn't help any. I asked my dr. about it this week, and he said it's carpal tunnel. He said in most cases, it goes away after you have the baby, so it's nothing I have to worry about, just something I have to deal with for now. Not fun. I have a hard time even brushing my teeth in the morning, but I'm mostly functional half way through the morning. But it sure does make it hard to sleep! My only other "odd" pregnancy-related pain is a numb spot I've had at the top of my belly for most of my pregnancy. Dr. once again says it's normal, and up until the last couple of weeks, it's mostly just been annoying and itchy. But now it's burning. Like I have a really bad, really deep sunburn. He says it's the nerves, and once again, something that should go away within 6 months of having the baby. Ugh...
The nursery is painted, but I have some touch-ups to do since it didn't turn out as perfectly as I hoped it would. I need Josh to go and pick up the crib, and I need to go and buy a mattress, but once it's set up, I'll post pictures. Hopefully we'll go get the crib sometime this week or weekend - as long as it stops snowing!
Aww, you still have such a cute little round belly.
I had a touch of carpal tunnel last time..and I'm starting to feel it already this time. But worse than that is the sciatica pain. OUCH!
You look absolutely wonderful! Sorry about the carpal tunnel, though; that doesn't sound like fun AT ALL. Can't wait to see pictures of the nursery!
OK first off you do not look huge.. You look
great... I am so excited to see pictures of the
nursery and to see pictures of her when she
Carpal tunnel sucks on a good day let alone
when you are 8 months pregnant..
Hopefully it goes away soon!
awwww.. your tummy is so cute!! I still feel like this kid lives in my back and I dont have a very cute tummy...
Weird numb spot.. but hey if they say its normal.. I guess they know better than us!
I was sooo nervous that I would get the capal tunnel.. since I've had it once already.. Very glad I didnt since i sit at a desk and type alllll day!
Who knows.. our babies could be born on the same day... ha..ha....ha...ha...ha.....
Don't be silly Deborah...your tummy is just as big as mine is! The time is really coming down to the wire, crazy isn't it!
You are look great! Until you mentioned it I completely forgot that I got carpal tunnel when I was pregnant 8 years ago. I could not even grip a pencil. Oh, how things trigger your memory! Hang in there - I promise it is well worth it! Another thing you will soon forget after that bundle of joy arrives.
I had horrible carpal tunnel in BOTH hands for months. I couldn't even touch a napkin they hurt so badly - so work was definitely a challenge because writing and typing were almost impossible.
And you look like all belly - not huge at all - and great! I know it's useless to tell you such because I've been there and know how you feel, but if you have carpal tunnel you're probably swollen. (I lost 37 pounds in 9 days a few weeks after the delivery I was so swollen!)
Your pregnancy has flown by! I'm so excited for you. I can't wait to see her and hear her beautiful name!
I tell ya...the things we put our bodies through to have babies! It's all sooooooo worth it in the end though. It's amazing how quickly you'll forget all the annoying aches and pains you went through once you get to hold that sweet little baby. You look great. Hang in there....not too much longer to go :)
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