I'm a few days late this month. It seems like the older Abbi gets, the more fun I have with taking her pictures because she has such a personality. But then it takes so much time to go through them all, that I end up posting several days after the month mark!
This month wasn't as huge as last month, but she is still growing and learning like crazy!
At 8 months, Abbi:

- Loves to make faces. Her favorite ones right now - blowing her lips and fish face. I don't know where she learned the fish face, but just started doing it out of the blue one day. Now we just have to just say "fish face" and she'll usually do it for us! The cutest thing ever.
- Started the month hating solids, but ended the month loving them! Her favorite is still sweet potatoes and she still hates anything with a texture. Which has made giving her homemade baby food quite a challenge.
- New foods she tried this month - bananas, pears, carrots and peas.

- Still has so much baby fat, which I love! Especially those knees - what other time in your life are knees that are that chubby so cute?
- Crawls faster than you would believe. (Which is one reason I'm surprised she still has so much baby fat!) If I look away, I may have to go searching for her since she moves so fast.
- Is really good at both getting up and getting down. In fact, she now has it figured out how to bend her knees down so that she can pick things up while she is standing.

- Will stick everything and anything in her mouth. I can't leave her in the grass and we can't leave the dog food on the floor anymore. I can't tell you how many times I had to fish dog food out of her mouth. (Gross!!) Now poor Max doesn't have a food dish on the floor all day!
- Loves to play with everything she's not supposed to play with. She would rather play with anything that is not a toy, and she is quickly learning the word "no".
- Still loves to say "ba-ba-ba" but that's about it. I keep trying to teach her "mama" and "dada" but she's not saying them yet.

- Is really good at picking things up. She can pull a single blade of grass or pick one small little thing up off the floor. And she manages to find every little thing on the floor - I have to be very careful to keep things picked up!
- Still only has her two bottom teeth. She's really been acting like she's teething lately, though, so I won't be surprised if a few more come through this next month.
- Loves to give big, wet kisses. It's mostly just her opening her mouth wide open and sticking it on your face, though! I love them, except for when she decides to bite down. Those little teeth are sharp!

- Knows who mommy and daddy are. And I think she has it figured out that mommy is the one to go to for comfort and daddy is the one to go to for fun. I'd like to think that I am fun too, but I sure to love our snuggle time when she wakes up in the morning or from a nap!
- Was a really good girl for everyone who watched her while Josh was in the hospital and I was with him. Everyone said she barely made a peep, and my sister even called her an angel!
- 2 new tricks she learned this month - clapping and bouncing. All you have to do is say "clap, clap, clap" or "boing, boing, boing" to get her going!

- Would rather be standing than anything else. Forget changing her clothes or her diaper these days. Impossible!! Whether she is playing on the ground or in her high chair, she is always wanting to stand up.
- I shouldn't admit to this, but she's still not sleeping through the night. I need to let her cry it out to re-train her, but I feel bad waking Josh up when it's so hard for him to sleep right now. But I told him that we are letting her cry it out 2 weeks from now - he should be sleeping better by then!

This was the hardest picture of the day to get. I think she was tired of the photos at this point, plus like I mentioned, she is impossible to keep down if she wants to stand up! I literally only took a couple of pictures of her in the chair because she kept trying to stand up!