Tuesday, September 22, 2009

We Now Return to Regular Posting...

Let me just say this - don't ever try to take on a job of being a live-in nanny and a live-in home nurse at the same time - unless you are getting paid a lot of money. Otherwise, just be prepared to have zero time to yourself!

Ok, so that makes it sound like it's all been bad around here, and really, it hasn't. Just busy. Crazy busy. You wouldn't think that it would be that crazy, since Josh basically is just laying around all day, but attending to him, helping him move if he needs it, and trying to keep a very active, mobile little girl away from hurting her daddy or playing in all his physical therapy equipment is more than a full time job. But we are all anxiously awaiting the day when this is behind us and Josh is functioning once again - without pain!

Just a quick overview of the surgery:

We went into the hospital on September 14th at 12:30pm. After filling out paperwork and doing all the pre-op fun stuff, they finally wheeled him into the operating room around 3pm. The surgery took about 3 hours, (thanks mom and dad for keeping me company that whole time!), and then he was taken to his room. He was in good spirits after the surgery. They had given him an epidural for the surgery, and it was supposed to work for the next 2 days. They were also supposed to hook up his pain medication machine right out of the OR, but we had some not very smart nurses that first night and he didn't receive the pain medication machine for about 2 hours. By this time, his epidural had worn off for some reason and he was in serious pain. It was so hard to watch. I've seen him in pain before - when he broke his collar bone and when he originally messed up his knee from the dirt bike accident - but this was way worse. Way worse. I should mention that Josh has a high tolerance to pain medication, which is why they had him on the epidural to start off with. The nurses were horrible. That first night was just such a bad experience. Finally, they called the anesthesiologist, and he came back in and gave Josh another shot of epidural. By this point, it was after 10pm, and my poor mother in law was still at home with Abbi. The epidural helped, so I headed back home. I got home, got ready for bed, crawled into bed and fell asleep. About 20 minutes later, my phone rang. It was one of the nurses. The epidural had already worn off again and Josh needed me back at the hospital. Of course I was going to be there for my husband, so I got in the car with Abbi and we headed up. (Did I mention the hospital is about 40 minutes away?) We got there and the rest of the night was horrible. Josh was in so much pain and the nurses were useless. It was really one of the worst experiences I have been through, so I can't even comprehend how horrible it was for Josh. Thankfully, Abbi was wonderful and slept through it all.

The next morning, the doctor came in and unfortunately was kind of a jerk about the whole situation as well. But he did have the anesthesiologist come back and re-do the epidural so it was on a drip. Thankfully, because of the epidural, the next day was so much better.

The rest of the stay in the hospital was back and forth. They had to remove the epidural after the first 2 days so that Josh could start physical therapy, but luckily, by the time they took it out the worst of the pain was over. There were still a few flare ups, but he made it through it.

Now, he's just dealing with the day to day pain that is getting better little by little. He has a machine he has to be on for several hours a day, and some exercises he has to do. He is up on crutches, but doesn't last too long before it starts hurting or he is just wiped out because of how much effort it takes. And he's having a hard time sleeping because he can't get comfortable. But it is getting better every day. It's already been over a week, so hopefully these next few weeks will fly by and he will be up and recovered soon!

A HUGE thanks to my family and Josh's family for taking care of Abbi so much, for the prayers and the blessings, and all of the support you have given us!


Cassie said...

Wow, what an experience. Poor Josh -- I can't imagine the pain of having my entire knee replaced. I hope he's completely recovered very, very soon!

And YOU -- wow, how strong you must be! I've only ever had to take care of Joe when he's had a "man cold," so I can't imagine how difficult it would be to care for him in a situation like Josh's. GO YOU!

Ryley @ That's My Family! said...

I second everything Cassie said!

I cant believe it was such a bad experiance. I'm so sorry about that. I wish things would have gone smoother for you guys, but at least that part is all behind you now.

I cant even imagine how hard its been for you to take care of everything. I know it might sound impossible, but make sure you at least take some time for yourself just to go to the store or out to lunch! I might save your sanity.

We've missed you! Hope everything starts getting better for Josh...

Michelle said...

all i know is that he is sure lucky to have you for his wife! you've always been such a sweet little care-taker for everyone. what a poor guy! I can't even imagine how much pain he's been in. At least it will all be worth it...one day, right? you are such an amazing wife. i wish i was married to you! ha!

Jenny May McKim said...

I second and third what the ladies have said. I cannot imagine the pain, nor the annoyance at having to deal with the hospital.
Thankfully the operation is done and over with and hopefully he will make a speedy recovery... for all your sakes!

Unknown said...

I'm glad the surgery went well and life is semi-getting back to normal. I had a feeling you'd have some major mothering to do after Josh's surgery. Men!! :)

Abby said...

So glad the surgery is over. Seems like you guys have been waiting on it for forever!

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