Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Worthy of the State Fair??

I have been such a bad gardener this year. Last year, I used the excuse that I was pregnant. This year, I've had 2 excuses. 1 - it's too hot to be outside roasting while pulling weeds, just to come into a hot house. Since our a/c has been working so poorly this summer, our house is pretty warm, and it's just too hard to cool down. 2 - I can't really take care of the garden and Abbi at the same time. Therefore, I have to wait until she is napping, then run out and try to get all the weeds pulled. Not so much fun. So after about half the summer was over, I gave up. The garden is now totally overgrown with cucumbers, squash, zucchini, peppers, tomatoes, melons - and lots of weeds. Seriously, it's hard to walk out there. And if that wasn't bad enough, several of our tomato plants somehow seeded, and now there are TONS of tomato plants growing every where. I told Josh that we are doing square foot gardening next year or no garden at all!

So the other day, I went out to pull a couple of veggies for dinner, and realized it had been much too long since I had gone out to pick anything. I came back into the house, asking Josh if he thought we could get an award at the state fair for these veggies!

First - the mammoth zucchini. I had to put my shoe next to it just so you could see how big it is. And I don't have small feet. A big size 9 here!! And the sad thing is that this was not the first one that I let grow this long!

And then the cucumber(s). I had to laugh when I picked this - it looks like 2 cucumbers morphed into 1!!

If anyone needs any veggies and is willing to dig around though a weed/bug/spider infested garden, feel free to stop by! I just picked 24 pounds of tomatoes today, and I barely made a dent in them!


Michelle said...

dang girl! nice veggies!

Ryley @ That's My Family! said...

hmmm.. i might be very tempted! We kinda neglected our huge garden and didnt get much out of it. And since it was a family garden everyone picked before us. :(
we had 2 tomato plants planted at our house last year, and the dog always stole the tomatoes off. We this year, about 15 tomato plants just came up on thier own! I took out all but 2. another 5 or so came up while I wasnt looking and to make maters worse, since the dog always ate the tomatoes last year our entire lawn is covered in tomato plants. I hadnt been out there in a REALLY long time, and when I walked outside my jaw dropped to the floor. and we're both too busy to do anything about it.....
Here's hoping it snows soon and kills them all! :)

Cassie said...

Oh my gosh!! That zucchini is MAMMOTH!

TheKeilShpeel said...

that is one huge zucchini.

Brittany said...

That is awesome. We really meant to plant our first garden this year, but it didn't happen. Maybe next year. You can give us tips (on what NOT to do---just kidding!!). Those veggies look and sound really good. I wish I had 24 pounds of my own home-grown tomatoes. I would be so proud.