Do you remember this picture??
This is just about 11 months later. It's kind of crazy to see the two pictures together. It feels like forever ago that we were all pregnant, and now - here are the 4 cousins. We need to try this again since I this was the closest I got to get all 4 to look at the camera. It was the end of the day, and I think they were all ready to go home. Abbi had this same look on her face in all the pictures - it made me laugh. I can't wait until these kids get older to play together and become the best of friends!
That is so cool! Isn't is awesome that they will all have each other to grow up with??
Love it.... Hopefully this picture taking things gets easier sooner! :)
They are so cute you can really tell who's is who's. Abbi maybe the youngest but she is just as big as all those boys, she'll hold her own!!
that is so cute! I love it!
Are those your sisters? Or your cousins, too?
My sister had her daughter 4.5 months before I had C. I love that they're close in age. L. came over today and C. went NUTS. He loves his cuz.
I love this! It's so cool that they're all going to grow up together!
You really can tell which babe belongs to the mama! They certainly are all cute!!!
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