I don't know why I thought this was so cool, but a few weeks ago, I was out pulling weeds in the front flowerbeds. I got over to the flowerbed under a big tree that we have in our front yard. Not much grows there because the tree blocks all the sunlight, so I hadn't weeded there in quite some time. As I was going through the flowerbed, I noticed all of these little wood chips on the ground. I kept weeded, but I was quite perplexed at what they were from.

My mind starts getting quite creative, wondering where they came from. I had actually convinced myself that the tree had termites! But I kept looking up at the tree, and there was no sign of the tree being distressed at all. Finally, once I finished with my work, I started really looking at the tree, trying to find out where the wood had come from. I was so surprised to find this:

I knew the birds loved our house because we keep the bird feeders filled, but I had no idea we had a woodpecker! After I showed Josh, he told me that he had heard the bird outside. I guess I'm deaf, because I never heard it. It amazes me what a perfect circle they can carve out of a tree!
How cool. Kyle was just talking about wood peckers today. He always wants to see if we can find one outside and I've never seen one. :)
that is seriously amazing!
That is so cool! And also, a pretty big hole for a relatively small bird!
wow.. thats cool! I'm glad you couldnt hear him doing that.. it would have annoyed me! :)
its really neat though...
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