Monday, September 20, 2010

15 Weeks

I haven't been that great at keeping notes on this pregnancy - probably because my life seems so crazy busy compared to the first time around!!  I actually can't believe that I'm already 15 weeks along.  This baby is going to be here before I know it!  So I thought I'd try to keep a weekly update on how the baby and I are doing and progressing.

This week, the baby is about 4 inches long - the size of an apple - and weighs 2 1/2 ounces.  You would think this baby is a lot bigger by how big I feel!!  My clothes are already incredibly uncomfortable, so the maternity clothes are starting to come out.  I'm feeling a lot better - not nearly as sick.  It's been a relief to not have to feel like I need to eat every 10 seconds - now I just have to eat every hour!

I have a doctor's appointment this week - can't wait to hear the little heartbeat!

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