The 24th of July is a holiday here in Utah, so of course we needed to do something fun! The plan was to go camping, but when Tami and her family went up earlier in the week to grab some spots, everything was already taken. Thank goodness for her perseverance - I got a call on Thursday night saying that a spot had opened up so camping was on!!

We headed up on Friday afternoon. It was a gorgeous day, and by the time we stopped at the store and headed up into the mountains, evening was already coming. But we got there with plenty of time to set up the tent and to have some dinner.

Abbi was so happy to be out in the dirt and mud. This girl makes me laugh because she is such a girl, but at the same time, she is such a tomboy. The best of both worlds, I guess!

All of the kids were so happy to be there and to be able to play with their cousins. They all love the outdoors!
That night, Abbi was an angel. She went down, although it was late since it gets dark so late, but she slept through the whole night. I was so happy, since I didn't know what I was going to do if she woke up in the middle of the night considering I was just in a sleeping bag!

The next morning, everyone lounged around. Abbi was stylish in her pjs, shoes, and too small jacket!

The kids didn't have a hard time finding something to do!

Of course there was a little spill and a very dirty face. In fact, we were all covered in dirt by the time the weekend was over.

But finding flowers always cheers Abbi up!

The day was spent playing in the dirt, following daddy around, and hanging out.

And running around like a crazy girl!

Some of us adults played a game of Phase 10 - that seriously lasted forever. We finally gave up before it was over. I was in the lead, though!!

It's amazing how entertaining some rocks, dirt, and an empty twizzlers bag can be.

I love it when these kids let me take their pictures! It's a rare thing, so I'm always grateful when I can snap one or two.

Gavin obviously had a good time in the dirt!

And Abbi had a fun time playing with her cousins.
Some of the kids playing together
The mountains are such a beautiful place, and this campground was beautiful. (Although it was pretty hot during the day...)

That night, Josh and I made some dutch oven desserts after dinner. They both turned out delicious!

We spent the evening around the fire, talking a playing games.

Amy brought glow sticks for the kids, which they loved. Thanks Amy!

Unfortunately, Abbi wasn't quite as good that second night. I had the hardest time putting her down, and she woke up part way through the night and I couldn't get her to go back in her bed. So into my sleeping bag she went. She slept fine the rest of the night, although I didn't.
The next morning we packed up to go home. :( It was Gavin's second birthday, so we made sure to sing happy birthday to him!
It was such a fun weekend - I can't wait to do it again!!