How is it that I can't remember my life pre-Abbi - like she's always been with us - but at the same time, I can't believe she's already 4 months old?? My little girl is growing up so fast!
This past month has definitely been my favorite so far. Her little personality is really starting to show, and she is so much fun!

At 4 months, Abbi:
- Is finally on a 3 hour schedule, and is much happier this way!! She eats, then plays for about an hour, then has an hour and a half to sleep.
- She doesn't always sleep for that hour and a half, but usually goes 45 minutes to 1.5 hours. I'm happy if she hits the 1 hour mark.
- Is sleeping so much better!
- Is actually sleeping in her crib like a big girl.

- Is rolling over like a champ. She's been rolling over since just before her 3 month mark, but now she will barrel roll all over the place. I guess it's her mode of transportation until she starts crawling!
- Loves to smile and laugh. She really is a happy girl!
- Is getting quite big. We go to the doctor in the morning, so I will fill in her height and weight upon our return. (But I know she's a big girl - you can tell from those rolls!)
- Wants to grow up too fast. She's already trying to get her knees up underneath her and I'm afraid she's going to be crawling much sooner than I want!
But her favorite is her thumb. She falls asleep every time with her thumb in her mouth. Good news is that I won't have to break her from a pacifier, bad news is that I have no control over the thumb...
- Is still fascinated with her hands, but is also now fascinated with her feet. It's not uncommon to find her with both feet in her hands when she is on the floor. And she even tries to suck on her feet sometimes!
- Is a stomach sleeper. I was paranoid at first, but everyone tells me that since she can roll over and lift her head, there is nothing to worry about. But it still doesn't stop me from checking in on her quite often!
- In fact, she prefers to be on her belly during the day as well. I put her down on her back, and usually within seconds she is over on her belly.

- Is going through a phase where she won't let anyone hold her but her mom and dad. She has let very few people hold her this past month. Hopefully she'll be over that soon!
- Isn't sleeping through the night every night, but does about half the time. But it's getting better all the time!

And here is the monthly chair picture. She's almost sitting up completely by herself these days . Does anyone know of a way to stop time so my little girl stops growing up?!?

And this is how you know the photo shoot is over and it's time to put the camera away!