But for now, I need some shopping opinions. I'd ask my husband, but he doesn't really care about things like this!!
First -
Our vacuum is going kaput. I can't complain, because we bought it right before we got married for like $60 - and it has lasted us this long. But now it smells funny when I use it and it's not working very well. I've always wanted a Dyson, but I've been seduced by the commercials for the new Hoover line. Or do I want an Oreck?
Do you have a vacuum that you love? Help - because I don't know what to buy!!
Second -
I've needed a new purse for awhile now, but I thought that after I had Abbi I'd just have the diaper bag with me, so I'd also use that as a purse. But truth be told - I'm tired of feeling frumpy, and the diaper bag makes me feel frumpy. So I want a new purse!! I need something that will fit a few diapers along with my things for day to day use, so something not too small.
I'm usually a boring black purse kind of girl, but I want something a little different this time around. I found these three bags that I like, so tell me what you think - or if you know of another bag I might like!!

I saw this one at Target (and I like how it looks in person better than this picture.) It's affordable, and big enough. But still just black and white. But I do like it!

I LOVE this bag that I found on Etsy, but it's a little more than I was looking to spend. I really like it - but I don't know if it is really big enough. The dimensions say it is 9.5" Tall, 9.5" wide at bottom, 13" wide at top, and 4" deep. Too small?

Or do I go with the same print on a bag that says it can double as a diaper bag? Or will I still feel frumpy? It's cheaper than the smaller bag, and I LOVE the print. I just want to feel cute again!
Please tell me what you think on both accounts!
About the vaccum, I have a dyson ball and it is the best thing since sliced bread! no bags and the only thing you have to do is rinse off the filters every 4-6 months and let them dry and your good to go so really after the initial expense there is nothing else you ever need to buy. The purse thing is hard I'm not really that stylish in fact not at all. Of the choices I love the second one and if it is too small for a couple of diapers just put one in it and stash more in the stroller or car. Good Luck, love ya!!
wow.. lots of choices..
hmm.. vaccum.. i have no experiance.. sorry.. Aaron bought me mine while we were dating.. because .. well I did have one! :) and he couldnt believe it.. seriously he vaccumed my apartment every time he came over.. it was funny!! I would really like a dyson one day though. just because I like cool things!
I like that first purse. but I hate always carrying around a purse and a diaper bag, but i hate carrying around a diaper bag even more. and since Aaron normally has the baby I have to have a purse.
I opted for a slightly larger purse that (theoretically) I could put a few diapers in when we leave the house. But I've never used it for that.. so I still lug around a diaper bag and a huge purse!
I would love a Dyson as well, but I can't tell you how great they are because I don't have one...
But for sure a filter only vaccum..
Purse.. I really like the first one the best...But, its summer Deb, go for something more bright and vibrant :) You can totally pull it off...
I think I like the second purse the best...super cute! But if it's pricey and not really big enough then I'd chose one of the others. I'm more of a "bag" lady rather than a purse so I'd go with the last one. But I can seriously see you with the first one. I guess really, you can't go wrong :)
You know who has REALLY cute bags that are stylish and larger? Vera Bradley. Her stuff is a little pricey but if you find it on sale it's a great bargain!
We have a Dyson and LOVE it. Really it's an amazing machine. Worth the "investment". :)
Hey! I am diggin' the second purse but also in agreeance with Janell...any of the others would work too. I often find small pockets helpful to stash away the extra binkie, crackers, or diaper sack (MANY multiple uses!) that you start to need more of as they get older. Does that help at all? :) And I have a new Kirby and I do love it. Although Helen has a dyson and I like using it while over there. She has 2 cats and it seems to do a good job picking up the trails they leave. Again, I am sure you wouldn't regret it if you splurged for something you will have for years to come.
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