My dear baby girl,
Today you turn 1 year old. I remember this day last year like it was yesterday. For the months leading up to the day you came into this world, your daddy and I would wonder what you would look like and we couldn't wait to meet you. Then you arrived, and we wondered how we ever lived without you.
You sure have changed our lives. There are so many more smiles and so much more laughter since you came and joined our household. You have taught me so much about patience - and showed me that I have more of it than I could have imagined. You have taught me how to really cherish the little things. And above all, you have brought so much love into our house and our lives, and now I would never be able to live without that love.
Everyone always talks about how fast kids grow up, and now that you have turned 1, I can see exactly what they all are talking about. The time goes by much too quickly. As I look at you walking across the living room floor, I wonder if there is a way that I can freeze time so that I can enjoy you as my baby girl forever. But then I get excited thinking about all the things we will do together when you grow up. I can't wait for the first time you tell me that you love me. It's hard to watch you grow up, but it is so rewarding at the same time.
You have quite the personality, and it has been so fun watching it come out these past few months. You are such a happy girl, and everywhere we go, people notice. Every week at church, people will come up to me and remark about how happy you are. You love to smile for people and your laugh is contagious.
You love to snuggle and love to be held. You sleep well on your own at night, but during the day, you want your mommy to hold you while you take your naps. At first, I tried everything I could think of to get you to go down in your crib, but eventually I succumbed to letting you sleep in my arms. Now, I cherish that time with you every day, because I know that it will not last forever. Sometimes I read while holding you, and sometimes I nap right along with you. But always, I will take the time to look down at your sleepy face and marvel at how much I love you and how lucky and blessed I feel to have you here. I hope that you will always know that you are welcome in my arms.
I am so grateful that you are part of our family. I know that you will be a wonderful sister to any brothers and sisters that join our family in the future. I can already tell that about you. You love people, and I know you will be a friend to everyone.
I love you so much, baby girl. I hope you always know that and I will always do everything in my power to make sure that I show you that. It's a scary world out there, but you have a family that loves you and will always stand behind you and cheer you on in everything you strive to do. I can't wait to see the girl and the woman you turn into!
Happy birthday, Abbi!
your mama
(lots of pictures ahead of Abbi's 1 year photos.)