Friday, July 2, 2010

{Abbi-a-Day} Days 176-182

Poor girl - she wouldn't take a nap all day, but finally conked out on the couch. She must have been really tired, because she never just falls asleep on her own like that!

One of Abbi's favorite things to do is spin in circles while you sing "round and round" over and over again. She loves to get dizzy and then fall down!

Abbi making her artwork of horseshoes on the garden fence

She takes after her momma - loves to look through cookbooks!

Grocery shopping has become quite the chore. She no longer wants to sit in the front of the cart - she wants to be carried or wants to walk. Since she doesn't stay by my side, and since I can't carry a toddler and push a grocery cart, she sometimes ends up in the big basket of the cart. But most of the times these days - she stays home with daddy when I need to go to the grocery store!!

Yes, this is the best picture I took of the 4 whole pictures I took this day. Hey - at least I didn't miss a day!!

Loves to pull the string for the light on the ceiling fan!

1 comment:

Michelle said...

so cute, I love the pic of her looking at the cookbook!