Thursday, April 23, 2009


  • Yesterday I did something that I don't do often enough - I laid out on the grass and just enjoyed watching the clouds, listening to the birds and feeling the sun on my face. It was a gorgeous day, and it was nice to take a moment just to BE. It was a great feeling.
  • You know how I thought the other night was going to be a long night?? Well, I'm a bad mom, and when I couldn't get Abbi to go down by about 10:30, (every time I would put her down she would wake up!) I went and got her swaddle blanket - yes it was dirty, but we needed some sleep - and put her in it. She slept from 10:30pm to 5:40am. A record for her - and her first time through the WHOLE night!!
  • Speaking of firsts, she rolled over from her back to her tummy for the first time yesterday! She's rolled over from her tummy to her back 2 times now, but never from her back to her tummy. Unfortunately, I didn't see it. She was in the living room on her mat and I was in the kitchen. I heard her start fussing so I went in to see what was wrong, and she was on her tummy! Josh was in watching tv and keeping an eye on her, but he didn't see the roll, either. I was so proud of her!

  • My oldest sister is out of town, so we are all taking turns on babysitting duty. Wow - to go from one fussy newborn to a fussy newborn and 2 rambunctious 3-year old twins is not easy. It actually wasn't too bad, but just tiring. And I get to do it again today! And yes - I'm a bad babysitter and I let them watch a movie instead of playing with them the whole time! But then again, they only watched for about half an hour before they were ready to run circles in the house again.
  • I have a new favorite on American Idol - Kris. I really liked Danny when it started, but really, he kind of sounds the same to me every week now.
  • I'm thinking about taking this photo class that I just discovered. But do I really want to pay that much? I really wanted to go to this 2 day class that was last month - but it was just too crazy with Abbi - and it was only $179 for 2 full days. I'll have to think about this... Anyone want to go with me??
  • I ran out of checks over a week ago, and haven't had a chance to make it to the bank to order more. Who would have guessed that being a stay-at-home mom would be so busy!?!
  • I'm starting a new blog that should be a lot of fun - I'll post more about it later - but I am having someone do the blog design. I want something that really pops color wise - any suggestions for colors??


Cassie said...

Awesome job on the rolling over, Abbi!!

I like Kris a lot. Danny is getting boring to me, too. It always sounds like he's yelling.

I can't imagine having ONE 3-year-old boy running around, let alone TWO. Yikes. You are like Superwoman to handle both of them AND an infant!

Janell said...

I'm sooo with you on Kris. I want him to win. He's my favorite :)
I'm glad you could get out and enjoy being outside, just relaxing. That sounds nice...a little rejuvination before another crazy afternoon with the boys!
See you tonight!